Welcome to the Forbes' Lab. We are a diverse group of biologists, principally studying the evolutionary ecology of parasites and their host species, such as this Sympetrum dragonfly featured above. Our lab members are also interested in avian ecology, ecological entomology, contaminants, and conservation biology. We are constanly seeking old and new problems to (re)solve, with past and new collaborators. We have fun, but also suffer from some angst in 'not knowing'. Our tools include models & statistics, rigorous experiments, genetics & stable isotopes: the latter two with others adept at those techniques. We also rely on taxonomists and natural historians (dying breeds). This site is organized into past & current personnel (People), recent ideas worth exploring (Current Research), publications (with links to Google Scholar & ResearchGate), some course material (2016-2017), news & views (fodder for Twitter) & finally important Links.
To reach me: [email protected] or [email protected] Office: 4650 CTTC Bldg
To reach me: [email protected] or [email protected] Office: 4650 CTTC Bldg